DreamSleep® Certified

Our office has been DreamSleep Certified for treating Obstructive Sleep Apnea. DreamSleep is a national network of Dentists and Physicians working together to raise awareness and treat Obstructive Sleep Apnea.

DreamSleep Certification means every member of our sleep team has received intensive training on sleep medicine, oral appliance therapy, and collaboration with physicians for testing and diagnosis.

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All DreamSleep providers:

  • Are required to achieve accreditation in the fundamentals of dental sleep medicine and oral appliance therapy for sleep-related breathing disorders
  • Refer patients at risk to qualified physicians for diagnosis and prescription of an appropriate therapy
  • Use objective data to verify the efficacy of oral appliance therapy as permitted within their scope of practice and in accordance with their state dental practice acts
  • Refer patients back to physicians for confirmation of treatment efficacy after fitting and titration of an oral appliance
  • Provide timely, appropriate and ongoing follow-up care to manage dental-related side effects of oral appliance therapy

We believe that close teamwork with physicians is essential for successful management of sleep-related breathing disorders using oral appliance therapy.

How it works:

  1. Schedule a complimentary screening consultation at our office by filling out the form on the right. The consultation will take 20-30 minutes.
  2. Our Sleep Wellness Coordinator will call to confirm the appointment.
  3. If the screening indicates you are at risk for OSA, we will arrange for you to speak with a board-certified Sleep Physician or other physician at your preference. This might occur by video conference.
  4. If appropriate, the physician will prescribe and arrange for you to receive a Home Sleep Test kit in the mail. In some cases, you may need a sleep test in a sleep lab.
  5. The results from the test will be sent to the board-certified Sleep Physician for review and diagnosis.
  6. If the physician recommends Oral Appliance Therapy, we will take impressions of your teeth and create a custom device for you.
  7. After the device is made, it will require adjustments to ensure optimal airflow.
  8. A follow-up sleep test will be used to verify that the device is working as intended. This may be conducted in your home.
  9. We will see you yearly to evaluate the oral appliance and to determine if there has been any change to your treatment needs.

OSA is a medical condition, which means that it is covered under medical insurance, not dental insurance, even though treatment is delivered by a dentist. As a courtesy, we will verify and file your claim with your medical insurance carrier; however, verification is only an explanation of benefits based upon information that we received from your insurance carrier. It is not a guarantee of payment. We will assist you in determining the benefits for Oral Appliance Therapy provided by your insurance carrier and will file claims for services rendered.