Sleep Apnea in Children in Reading, PA

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Is Your Child’s Snoring Normal?

Snoring in children is never normal and is a sign of underlying sleep issues. If your child is experiencing symptoms such as frequent or heavy snoring and daytime tiredness, it may be due to pediatric obstructive sleep apnea (OSA). Obstructive sleep apnea is the most common form of sleep apnea found in children and can lead to long-term health consequences when left untreated. Fortunately, in children younger than 12, symptoms of sleep apnea can be eliminated if treatment is started while they’re still developing.

At The Sleep Apnea and Craniofacial Pain Center in Reading, PA, our team commonly treats children with sleep apnea. We are one of a small number of practices nationwide to focus on comprehensive growth and development through airway, postural, and oral health. Keep reading to learn more about pediatric OSA and how Dr. Stephen Sulzbach can help your child get the sleep they need.

What Are the Symptoms of Sleep Apnea in Children?

Sleep apnea in children is generally brought on by underdevelopment or overdevelopment of the throat and mouth area. Enlarged tonsils or other oral structures, as well as childhood obesity, can make your child more susceptible to developing the disorder. It is extremely important to promptly address enlarged tonsils, as the condition can contribute to severe health consequences.

Similar to sleep apnea in adults, children may also experience symptoms such as loud snoring, daytime drowsiness, and restless sleep. Infants and younger children may not snore at all but display more subtle symptoms.

If you notice any of the following symptoms, it may be an indicator that your child is suffering from pediatric OSA:

  • Poor academic performance
  • Behavioral issues
  • Learning problems
  • Hyperactivity
  • Problems concentrating
  • Weight gain
  • Night sweats
  • Bedwetting
  • Night terrors
  • Odd sleeping positions
  • Sleepwalking
  • Loud gasping or mouth breathing during sleep

What Pediatric Sleep Apnea Treatment Options Are Available?

Dr. Sulzbach is highly trained to effectively treat sleep apnea regardless of the patient’s age. Once you’ve received a proper diagnosis, Dr. Sulzbach will create a customized pediatric OSA treatment plan for your child with their needs in mind. He may recommend a combination of treatments. Treatment options often include one or more of the following:

  • Oral appliance therapy
  • Lifestyle changes (to help alleviate your child’s symptoms)
  • Orthodontic treatment (to open the airway and allow the tongue to come forward)
  • Tongue and facial muscle exercises

When evaluating the treatment needs of each patient, we assess the growth and developmental wellness of children, from infants to teenagers. This comprehensive approach to care helps produce happier, healthier children and adults.


Dr. Sulzbach helped me with my sleep apnea and snoring. My wife is so much happier now!

J.M. Google

I have had the luck and the pleasure of seeing Dr. Salzbach on several occasions. An extremely knowledgeable and professional, who truly does care about his patients. He takes the time to explain options, procedures to you in a way that you've understand and is very up front. I would highly recommend anytime to anyone.

S.O. Google

Dr. Sulzbach and Corrine Lambert were amazing in taking care of my sleep apnea needs. I can’t wait to see how much improvement there is with the new device.

R.A. Google

I have sleep apnea and felt awful for years. Just constantly tired. I can't wear the cpap. I tried but I just hate the thing. Dr Steve made a dental appliance and I am sleeping through the night without even snoring for the first time in probably 20 years. He's really laid back but straight to the point.

Anonymous Vitals

I have been going to Dr. Steve for years. He is a competent and wonderful dentist. It is a shame what Harrisburg tried to do to him. I guess when they need a scape goat to further their agenda they don't care who they try to hurt in the process. Rest assured he is by far the best dentist I have ever gone to and goes beyond the standard of care!

Anonymous Vitals


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How Is Sleep Apnea Treated?

Interceptive Functional Orthodontics

Interceptive functional orthodontics is the process of intercepting an issue before it becomes a larger problem. Typically this means treatment may begin earlier than normal to expand the ja and make room for teeth. An appliance, such as Advanced Lightwire Functional Appliance or Myobrace, is often used to widen the jaw.

Palatal Expanders

A palatal expander may be applied to the roof of a child's mouth to help widen the mouth and expand their airway. Since the jaw develops in two halves, a palatal expander can be used during childhood to help minipulate the growth of the roof of the mouth.

Oral Appliances

Oral appliances move the jaw in such a way that your child’s airway isn’t obstructed. This can mean relief from snoring and better sleep as a result. As the throat develops, we can prevent your child from developing life-long sleep apnea.

Lifestyle Changes

Making certain lifestyle changes, such as keeping your child away from indoor allergens or pollutants, may help prevent congestion and airway irritation. If your child suffers from childhood obesity, Dr. Sulzbach can work with their primary doctor or nutritionist to create a plan to get their weight to a healthy level and help alleviate symptoms due to their weight.

Orthodontic Treatment

Malocclusion, or oral misalignment, is normal, but it may be contributing to your child’s sleep apnea. When your child’s jaws aren’t aligned properly, it can reposition the tongue and make it more prone to falling back while they sleep. Orthodontic treatment can fix the alignment of your child’s mouth and jaw, correcting the placement of the tongue and keeping your child’s airways open.

Myofunctional Therapy

Myofunctional therapy, also known as mouth and throat exercises, can help your child strengthen the muscles in their face, neck, and jaw. According to the American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine, performing these exercises 30 minutes a day for consecutive three months produces a significant reduction of sleep apnea symptoms. These exercises are easy to perform, even for younger patients, and they can be a fun way for your child to help manage their symptoms.

About Us

Protect Your Child’s Health with Sleep Apnea Treatment

As a father of five, Dr. Stephen Sulzbach recognizes the importance of collaboration between parents and doctors to ensure your child is receiving the best care. When you choose The Sleep Apnea and Craniofacial Pain Center, you can rest assured that you’re choosing high-quality, personalized care for your family. We always work with the parent to ensure your child’s treatment plan works for both of you.

To schedule your free consultation at our Reading, PA office, contact us or fill out our online contact form below. We offer treatment for pediatric OSA to patients from areas such as Reading, Ephrata, and New Morgan, PA.

How does sleep apnea affect a child?

Sleep apnea in children often leads to learning and behavioral problems as well as daytime tiredness. Because children are still growing, oxygen deprivation can also lead to stunted growth while increasing the incidence of brain damage and heart problems.

Do children outgrow sleep apnea?

Your child may or may not outgrow their sleep apnea, but this doesn’t mean their symptoms should be ignored. Even if they outgrow their condition, your child is still losing the sleep they need to be physically and mentally healthy. 

Depending on your child’s case, they may continue to experience sleep apnea as they grow up. This means they’ll be at an ever-increasing risk of long-term health consequences, especially if their condition remains untreated.

How do I know if my child has sleep apnea?

The best way to know if your child has sleep apnea is to seek an accurate diagnosis from a trained professional. Our sleep specialist will likely recommend your child undergo a sleep study, where electrodes are attached to their head while they sleep. Sleep studies can be performed from sleep centers or the comfort of your own home. The data is analyzed by a sleep specialist, who will provide a diagnosis based on their findings.

Is pediatric obstructive sleep apnea life-threatening?

Unfortunately, sleep apnea can often lead to serious health consequences, which may negatively affect your child’s lifespan. The threat to your child’s longevity is the main reason you should never ignore possible symptoms of sleep apnea. 

Instead, contact our office and schedule an appointment so their symptoms can be assessed. If necessary, we’ll move forward with a sleep study, so you can get an accurate diagnosis and your child can get the treatment they need.

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