Sleep Apnea & Your Health in Reading, PA

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Quality Sleep, Quality Life

Not only does untreated sleep apnea affect your sleep, but it also impacts your entire body.

Throughout the day, we work, play, and process information, and sleep serves as a recovery period for the body and brain. Having your sleep repeatedly interrupted due to sleep apnea means that these necessary processes are being interrupted. As a result, your body isn’t getting the essential time it needs to repair itself and function properly.

At The Sleep Apnea and Craniofacial Pain Center, we always strive to help all patients reclaim their sleep and lives once again. Read on to discover how Dr. Stephen Sulzbach can help reduce sleep apnea symptoms at our Reading, PA office.

Why Is Sleep Apnea A Problem?

Sleep apnea is a sleep condition where the body stops breathing repeatedly during sleep. This results in a lack of oxygen, causing your brain to wake up your body and gasp for air. These interruptions affect the quality of your sleep and can lead to considerable health problems.

On the surface, this may not sound like a serious problem. However, prolonged sleep deprivation can lead to a host of problems, including a weakened immune system and higher rates of human error in safety-reliant situations. Lack of sleep is associated with several mood disorders that can put a strain on your social relationships. When you get quality sleep, you refresh your mind and body, which improves your mood and interpersonal relationships. Dr. Sulzbach helps patients in New Morgan, Ephrata, Reading, PA, and beyond take control of their sleep apnea so they can get quality sleep — contact his office in Reading, PA to learn more.

Dr. Sulzbach helped me with my sleep apnea and snoring. My wife is so much happier now!

J.M. Google

I have had the luck and the pleasure of seeing Dr. Salzbach on several occasions. An extremely knowledgeable and professional, who truly does care about his patients. He takes the time to explain options, procedures to you in a way that you've understand and is very up front. I would highly recommend anytime to anyone.

S.O. Google

Dr. Sulzbach and Corrine Lambert were amazing in taking care of my sleep apnea needs. I can’t wait to see how much improvement there is with the new device.

R.A. Google

I have sleep apnea and felt awful for years. Just constantly tired. I can't wear the cpap. I tried but I just hate the thing. Dr Steve made a dental appliance and I am sleeping through the night without even snoring for the first time in probably 20 years. He's really laid back but straight to the point.

Anonymous Vitals

I have been going to Dr. Steve for years. He is a competent and wonderful dentist. It is a shame what Harrisburg tried to do to him. I guess when they need a scape goat to further their agenda they don't care who they try to hurt in the process. Rest assured he is by far the best dentist I have ever gone to and goes beyond the standard of care!

Anonymous Vitals


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What Health Complications Are Caused By Sleep Apnea?

Fatigue from lack of sleep can have an impact on your brain function, mood, and even those around you (due to human error). Sleep apnea affects at least 25 million Americans, and an estimated 328,000 car accidents occur each year as a result, according to the American Academy of Sleep Medicine. Seeking proper diagnosis and treatment can improve your overall wellness and protect others as well.

If you suffer from sleep apnea, you’re likely to stop breathing frequently throughout the night while you sleep. Your body then suddenly wakes you up so that you can breathe. This causes repeated interruptions to your sleep cycle and a lack of oxygen flow to your brain. Your body isn’t fully going into “recovery mode,” which can put you at risk for mental health issues and physical disorders such as:

  • Cognitive dysfunction
  • Hypertension (high blood pressure)
  • Stroke and heart disease
  • Diabetes
  • Obesity
  • Asthma
  • Metabolic Syndrome
  • Acid Reflux
  • Daytime Sleepiness and Motor Function Reduction
  • Memory Loss
  • Depression

How Is Sleep Apnea Diagnosed?

If you’ve noticed chronic daytime sleepiness, or if it’s become harder to function during the day, we highly recommend seeking a proper diagnosis for necessary treatment. Oftentimes, your bed partner is the one who first notices signs of sleep apnea, such as loud snoring or gasping noises. However, headaches in the morning, frequent dry mouth, or sore throat upon waking can also be signs of sleep apnea.

Dr. Sulzbach is a certified neuromuscular dentist and can determine if your snoring is caused by a narrow airway. He may recommend that you undergo a sleep study depending on your case. Sleep studies are a painless, noninvasive evaluation of a person’s sleep quality used to diagnose sleep apnea. They’re typically conducted at an overnight sleep facility by a qualified physician. Another type of test growing in popularity and suited to many patients is home sleep testing (HST). The test is done in the privacy of your own home using a data recorder. The information is then interpreted by a qualified physician who will arrive at a diagnosis. Dr. Sulzbach works with the NightOwl HST, the most advanced and least intrusive HST available.

Once you’ve received a proper diagnosis, Dr. Sulzbach will review your results and recommend a combination of treatments, such as oral appliance therapy and lifestyle changes to treat your sleep apnea. Your treatment plan will be tailor-made to address your needs so you can rest assured that your care is in capable hands.

About Us

Protect Your Health With Sleep Apnea Treatment

If you’re tired of restless nights and fatigued mornings due to sleep apnea, we strongly recommend seeking treatment as soon as possible.

If you're looking for a sleep apnea doctor near you, Dr. Stephen Sulzbach at The Sleep Apnea and Craniofacial Pain Center can customize a comprehensive treatment plan specifically for you so you can reclaim your sleep, health, and life once again. Schedule your free consultation at our Reading, PA office by contacting us.

Is sleep apnea a disability?

Sleep apnea is not currently considered a disability. However, sleep apnea can cause certain health disorders that may qualify you for a disability, such as high blood pressure, breathing disorders, and heart disease. During your appointment, our team will evaluate your sleep apnea symptoms and determine whether there may be a connection with other health issues you’re dealing with.

Is sleep apnea life-threatening?

Sleep apnea is linked to several potentially life-threatening diseases and disorders and can also further exacerbate the symptoms of other chronic illnesses. Sleep apnea on its own may also cause immediate tissue ischemia, which is when tissue dies due to a lack of oxygen. That’s why if you believe you’re suffering from sleep apnea, it’s important that you receive immediate treatment for your symptoms to mitigate any other potential health risk.

How accurate is NightOwl HST?

According to a study conducted for the Journal of Clinical Sleep Medicine, NightOwl ranks closely in accuracy compared to traditional, in-office sleep study methods. If you’re someone who has a busy schedule, our NightOwl equipment can help you get the answers you need to determine whether or not you’re potentially suffering from sleep apnea. During your consultation, Dr. Sulzbach and our expert team will be more than happy to answer any questions you may have about undergoing an at-home sleep study.

Are sleep studies covered by insurance?

Sleep studies are usually covered by health insurance, but Dr. Sulzbach and our team encourage you to call your provider beforehand and ask them which costs they can cover. You can also contact our Wyomissing office if you have any questions about your insurance. Our staff members will be more than happy to provide you with assistance.

*Individual results are not guaranteed and may vary from person to person. Images may contain models.